Friday, May 16, 2008

Traceur: Parkour Practitioner

Have you heard about Parkour? It is an "art" of movement. Some of traceurs love to call parkour an art. In the sort sentence (as long as i can understand) Move from point A to point B efficiently. As example: from our classroom to Math lab go straight. Even there is a table, gap, dust bin etc you have to jump, vault or rolling it if necessary. David Belle known as the founder of Parkour, an 39 years old (now is 2008) man with great talent in moving efficiently. For further information you can visit It is a new trend among teenagers. Almost every country has a parkour community, like,,, and much more, just googling it. Very interesting move, but if you dig it up to parkour philosophy, you'll be thinking again. Lot of new traceur don't know what philosophy behind parkour it self. They just interesting in movement. It useless without philosophy i think. Philosophy is like a soul to the body.
Become a traceur just need a pair off shoes and eager to get fit.

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