Thursday, February 21, 2008

Why SEO Important

Last night my friend told me that SEO( Search Engine Optimization ) is important thing for website or blog. After a little bit searching on google. I realize why SEO is important. Just like what I do before (Only Easy Things). If I need some information about something for example notebook, I go to (one of good search engine) and then type some combination of keywords that represent about notebook. And taadaa…. Google have a list of search result that related to notebook. If our blog or website is SEF (Search Engine Friendly) there will be tons of visitor from search engine. Can you imagine how many dollar if you sell products or services?

Some webmasters create a SEO contest to see how search engine work and test their strategy. Just like another contests they have some rules. For example: the keyword is seocontest2008, the winner is blog or website that show up on first search engine result page.

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