Monday, December 24, 2007
Main SEO tentang keyword 'Telkom Speedy'
Coba mainan SEO aja ah. Mau nyoba nyundul keyword tentang telkom Speedy aja ah.... sapa tau bisa nangkring di SERP pertama :) hehehe.
Baiklah ngomongin tentang Telkom Speedy, layanan ini diselenggarakan oleh perusahaan telepon ternama dan terbesar di Indonesia yang hampir menguasai (memonopoli) telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Telkom speedy ini melayani koneksi internet di Indonesia. Kalau ngambil kata Speedy harusnya koneksi internetnya Cepet banget, tapi ya gitu deh..... Harap bersabar.
Dating Sites: Looking for Love
Looking for love is easy if you knew how! The easiest way is to join into several online dating and i'm sure you'll fine your love. is a dating review website that review lot of dating sites from usual dating (man seeking woman) to unusual dating (gay or lesbian). You can read articles about love, dates, romance and relationship advice too.
I think this dating review website worth it to visit. I hope you'll find your true love there!
It's a p-a-i-d post.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Visit Berlin and Vienna for Greats Cultural Attractions
Berlin have a lot of cultural attraction such as castles and palaces, fascinating museums, fantastic world of musical and shows and dont miss some great event in berlin such as wine and beer festivals. Oktoberfest is a two week festival that happens in late September and early October. Its a great pleasure in Berlin. Lot of great hotels too in Berlin to book. Check this link for Hotels in Berlin (in english) or hotels in berlin ((deutsche)).
Enough for Berlin i guess, lets talk about Vienna! For centuries people of vienna have been building with wood. Today the wood construction attracts architecture buffs from all over the world. Vienna has baroque, historism and gothic styles in so many castles, palaces and churches across the country. Vienna has a great combination of old and new architectural styles. You must visit Vienna. Just like other great country vienna have lot of good hotels. You can see hotels in vienna (english) or hotels in vienna (deutsche) here.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Visit Great Landscapes in New Zealand

New Zealand have a great landscapes, they have been internationally recognised as outstanding natural value for everyone (UNESCO). In new zealand we can discover active volcanos, ancient forests, glaciers and lot more.
Lets talk about three large world heritage sites in New Zealand.
Tongariro National Park, which is in the centre of the North Island. For Maori people mountains have a great spiritual significance to them. This mountain is still volcanically active.
Te Wahipounamu, national parks in southwesr new zealand. Its covers 26,000 square kilometres, forests, snow-topped mountains, glaciers and flords. It is recognised because it contains the best representations of flora and fauna from the prehistoric continent.
Subantarctic Islands, are home to significant populations of many rare species, such as yellow-eyed penguin and new zealand sea lion.
All this great heritage sites is a must visit for this holiday. It'll be a great holiday for you because lot of hotels in new zealand have a good facilities and discounts. As a starting point in conjuction visit to the absolutely incredible landscape of new zealand you can choose several hotels. such as New Zealand Hotels , Auckland Hotels, Wellington Hotels and Christchurch Hotels.
image source:
its sponsored posting
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Unique Auction Game, Win The Prize
You could win lot of kind of prizes such as Apple I-Phone's, SCION XB's, HDTV to Cash Prizes. And you have a chance to win everyday because new winner everyday! Much better than free gift. You can play this game by online (with browser) or with your mobile phone (for premium members only).
Great idea Sweepstake games i think. Everybody can win the prizes. To join this game you need to be registered and become a member first. Enjoy the game, pal!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Holiday Time: Spain, Barcelona, Malaga and Palma
What about Barcelona? it is steeped in culture and history. Barcelona is most famous for the fantastical architecture. La Sagrada Familia is a most famous architecture in Barcelona, it is huge and still unfinish temple, it is one of Gaudi's architecture works. Dont forget to visit Zoo in Parc Ciutadella. For your information Picasso was born here! Visit Font magica too, you'll never forget this. If you come here on right time you'll find Three King parade. Here is hotels in barcelona.
Malaga, another places have to visit. Dont forget to visit Picasso museum, Caves of Nerja(South of Spain), Festival de Malaga and Semana Santa. Here is list of hotels in malaga.
Palma, great place too. Places to visit is: Drach Caves and the largest underground lake Martel lake Cathedrals and marine parks. Its amazing. hotels in palma is great!
Have a great holiday!!! :D
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Investing in House or Real Estate

Buy a house or real estate is a best way in investing. Its value always up for sure. To get a best bargains in house is to find a house foreclosures. The prices usually 20% - 40% cheaper than normal house and you can sell it up to 3% from normal house price.
The easiest way to find foreclosed houses is via internet. It fast, safe and updated. I found a good step-by-step to buy a foreclosed home at Check them out!
But remember that foreclosures house means that because a house owner unable to pay the mortgage, the lender takes back the property. The legal steps involved differ from state to state. So be careful and have a good invest!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
BlogsVertise: paid to blog
Its very simple to join this program. At first register your account and blog at blogsvertise. After approval you will receive email about tasks or assignments to write in your blog. After you posting in your blog, you need to submit that post to blogsvertise for review and approval.
You will get your money via paypal. Its so simple huh? register now.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Insurance Quoting Services
Basically, insurance is to protect you from financial impact of bad thing happens in your life. No one knows what happens tomorrow right. You can save money on insurance if you know what type of insurance you choose.
Step-step to buy insurance:
- What type of insurance you need?
- How much? read carefully their policies.
- Where would you buy it?
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Best Free Hosting (PHP, MySQL, No Ads)
- GRATIS alias FREE. At least sampai tahun 2012 layanan ini tetap gratis.
- Space yang lega, 250MB!
- Bandwidth mumpuni, 10GB sodara-sodara!
- Support PHP, Ruby on sail, dan masih banyak yang lainnya.
- Support MySQL juga (plus database manager dan phpmyadmin sekalian!).
- CPanel yang lengkap. Manajemen hosting yang lebih mudah dan relatif cepat lewat browser.
- Add-On Domain. Bisa nambahkan nama domain yang lain.
- Fantastico juga. Layanan Install web otomatis. Install beberapa web engine dengan instant cukup klik and done.
- Ada Cron Job-nya. Bisa digunakan untuk menjalan perintah pada server secara periodik.
- Dukungan FTP juga tersedia. Tranfer file lebih cepat dan mudah.
- Referensikan temen dapet komisi......
- No Ads. Tanpa Iklan.
Oh iya, untuk daftarnya ada konfirmasi lewat sms. Untuk mengaktifkan layanan ini. Disarankan untuk menggunakan kartu (SIM card) XL. Tapi kemarin pas aku daftar pakai kartu M3 juga bisa kok. Temen yang pakai kartu SIM telkomsel juga lapor bisa.
Sudah, jangan panjang-panjang silahkan daftar hosting gratis disini.
Saturday, April 7, 2007
Menambahkan Widget Ranking Dari
1. Buka
2. kemudian cari link widget pada sebelah kiri (ato disini).

3. Banyak widget yang ditawarkan dari disitu tapi kita akan memilih Alexa Site Stats Button

4. Trus copy code-nya kedalam blog kamu.

(Kalo kamu blogger tambahkan Page Element baru HTML/Javascript

Gitu aja kira-kira. Kalo ada pertanyaan jangan sungkan-sungkan ya...
NB: Kalo gambarnya kurang besar klik aja gambarnya nanti jadi besar. :-)
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Cosa Aranda Tempat yg Tepat Belajar Adsense
Review Blog:
Ok deh setelah lama ga ngisi blog sekarang coba untuk memberikan review untuk blog Om CosaAranda aja. (dapet hadiah soalnya.)
Kenal ama CosaAranda?? dia adalah Adsense publisher
Blog om Cosa yang banyak mengulas tentang Google AdSense, SEO (Search Engine Optimization) dan Wordpress ini memiliki tampilan yang 'menyegarkan' dengan paduan warna yang serasi. Untuk masalah Layout two thumbs up..
Contoh tips dan trik GoogleAdsense antara lain:
Apa Itu AdSense?
Disini dijelaskan maksud dari Google Adsense, bagaimana cara kerjanya dan pembayarannya. Kunjungi aja kalo penasaran.
Mudahkah AdSense?
Dari link diatas di'jabar'
Istilah-Istilah AdSense
Perlu juga diketahui istilah-istilah yang sering muncul ketika kita diskusi tentang AdSense.
Cara Mendaftar AdSense
Dari teks diatas sudah ketahuan tentang link diatas yaitu: Bagaimana cara daftar AdSense.
Peraturan AdSense
Agar langgeng dalam berbisnis dengan Adsense kita perlu tahu peraturan-peraturan AdSense (TOS-Term Of Services) .
Tehnik Dasar AdSense
Diulas dasar2 AdSense yang sering dilupakan oleh Publisher AdSense.
Optimasi AdSense
Cara agar AdSense menghasilkan secara maksimal.
Tanya Jawab AdSense
Tempat bagi publisher AdSense untuk ber-diskusi maupun minta 'pencerahan' dari Cosa
Konsultasi AdSense
Blog ini banyak membahas mendapatkan uang dari internet (Adsense, AuctionAds, Chitika dan lain-lain). Selain itu blog ini juga sering membahas tentang WordPress bahkan pernah mengadakan workshop khusus wordpress tapi akhir-akhir ini sedang vacuum. Mungkin terlalu sibuk mengurusi beberapa webnya yang telah menghasilkan ribuan dolar dari adsense. Hal yang selalu menjadi bahasan hangat di dalam blog ini adalah tentang SEO (Search Engine Optimation) karena tidak ada ilmu yang pasti dalam SEO. Blog ini juga melakukan beberapa wawancara kepada Adsense Publisher yang telah berhasil dan hal ini memberikan semangat kepada adsense publisher yang baru.
Dilihat dari beberapa comment yang masuk pada blog ini pengunjung yang sering mampir adalah para Adsense Publisher dari
Akhir-akhir ini om cosa sering mengadakan contest yang sangat menarik seperti mereview blog-nya untuk mendapatkan domain name gratis dengan beberapa syarat yang mudah. Hal tersebut secara tidak langsung juga membuka SEO contest tidak resmi dengan keyword belajar adsense dikalangan adsenser.
Contest yang pernah/sedang diadakan:
- Top Commentator contest (tiap bulan)
- Review Blog (hadiah domain name gratis)
- dll
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Selamat Ulang Tahun
Semoga tambah Shalihah, rajin ibadahnya dan jaga hati, jaga diri. Hati-hati dalam melangkah. Do'a yang terbaik semua untukmu.
“If there's something that you're dreaming of then may it all come true, because you deserve it all...HAPPY BIRTHDAY.” *Lupa dapet darimana???*
(Artinya kurang lebih 'Jika ada sesuatu yang kamu impikan semoga menjadi nyata, karena kamu pantas menerimanya' Amieen)
Hari ini dalam sejarah:
- Namibia Merdeka dari Afrika Utara.
- Sistem kerajaan di Ethiopia Berakhir setelah 3000 tahun.
- Adek kecilku lahir didunia.....
Thursday, March 8, 2007
Akhir dan Awal
*liburan kemana ya???* Eit tunggu dulu emang dipikir perjuangan sampai disini aja? enggak! ini merupakan awal PERJUANGAN yang sesungguhnya...sodara. SEMANGAAAAT.
Friday, March 2, 2007
Maen Tekateki yuk!! TKTQ
Tapi kalo bisa jawab *pake pikiran sendiri* pasti bangga....rasanya gimana gitu. Lain lagi kalo pake cheat *hambar*. Coba aja deh
- Untuk yang sedang stress DILARANG KERAS mengunjungi web site ini. (nambah stress soalnya) takutnya nanti '
killing your self' suicide. - HANYA untuk yang kurang kerjaan.
- daripada browsing yang enggak-enggak, gak karuan dan sembarangan.
- JANGAN main ini pas di warnet.(tekor)
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Barang Gratis / Free Stuff dari
Siapa yang gak mau barang gratis / free gift? kita bisa memilih barang-barang yang kita inginkan. Ada tiga (3) barang utama yang ditawarkan gaming console, mobile phone terbaru dan mp3 player. Kalo dilihat dari layout website dan tata bahasa yang dipake kelihatannya bisa dipercaya.(pendapat pribadi). Kita hanya perlu 3 langkah : registrasi ke sini (ref), pilih phone / console/ mp3 player gratis, terima referral ID terus mengumpulkan credits dengan cara referensikan temen, membeli produk misal aksesoris handphone, setelah credit memenuhi free gift pilihan kita diantar!
Lah untuk mendapatkan credit yang diperlukan, cara yang paling mudah adalah mereferensikan teman untuk ikut gabung (selain referensi juga ada cara yang lain yang ditawarkan antara lain: beli produk mereka atau mengikuti program yang mereka tawarkan). Untuk mencoba ini saya memilih barang yang paling sedikit credit yang diperlukan yaitu Sony Ericsson W300i dengan hanya 14 credit yang dperlukan untuk mendapatkannya(sebenarnya ada banyak mobile phone yang ada seperti motorola, sony ericsson, LG Mobile, samsung mobile phones, nokia N91, N series). Makanya bagi yang tertarik silahkan daftar melalui referral saya ini. Postingan ini akan saya update terus untuk perkembangannya.
Kalo dibaca dari testimoni-nya keliatan sangat menjanjikan. Jadi apa salahnya dicoba??
Refferal ID saya: 90188822
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Most Recommended
This list based on my own opinion. feel free to comment.
1. Mozilla Firefox. For my first list, I recommend Firefox for your browser. It has lot of feature that others hasn’t. a) free, the best thing in the world b) built in Google search engine. c) built in pop-up blocker d) lot of extension, e) tabbed browser, easier to move from one tab to another. f) fast browser, you can use fasterfox or firetune extension.
2. Google Adsense. My second list is Google Adsense. This is a program from Google that can give you advertising revenue from each page on your website. Its delivers relevant text and image ads based on your website content. And if your visitor, click your ads from GoogleAdsense you can earn money from that click.
I think enough for today. I’ll add more if I found something that fit in this list. I you found something that must put in this list, let me know with leave comment. Thank you.
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
Learn New Way with Parkour
More than an art -- a way of life!
Sensations, adrenaline and giddiness. Power, fluidity and control.
Parkour responds to a deep-seated need of humans: to move. It's an art that demands the true spirit of a warrior, and offers pure action to its practitioners.
Basically, Parkour is a natural method to train the human body to be able to move forward quickly, making use of the environment that's around us at any given time. This 'art of displacement' requires neither specific structure nor accessory for its practice. The body is the only tool. It's an athletic discipline accessible to all, because it combines all the natural skills of the human body: running, jumping, climbing... It's a sport that permits exploration of the potential offered by your body.
It's about being able to face the obstacles with which you are presented, whether they be in the natural environment or in the urban environment, in a search for movement that combines effectiveness and control.
The necessary equipment is simply a T-shirt, a pair of light jogging-type trousers, and a pair of running shoes.
"C'est comme si votre corps avait toujours été en pilotage automatique et que vous découvriez soudain que vous êtes capable de le piloter vous même". -- or, it's as if your body has always been on autopilot, and you've discovered for the first time that you are able to control it!
Running on foot, crawling, jumps, rolling and other methods of catching yourself, grabbing hold of things, hanging from things and balancing are the essence of what fuels this sport. All this towards a single goal: never to be stopped by any obstacle (whether it be wall, grille, hedge, railings, trees, other foliage, bushes, rocks, vehicles, gaps... etc), but to continually adapt.
This way of moving has existed since the dawn of time, where early men had to learn to move skillfully to hunt, to attack and to defend themselves. Later, special groups such as the ninja and, later, commando soldiers were taught movements in order for them to carry out infiltration missions. Today, firefighters, soldiers, and special police intervention teams still learn how to move without being hindered by obstacles.
One man -- David Belle -- has devoted his life to the development of this art. Surrounded by a family comprised of sporting heroes, David practiced sports which had physical action as their base and which allowed him to move effectively (such as gymnastics, athletics, climbing and martial arts).
On this matter, David Belle said (translated from the French): "Passion, way of life, and today sport -- Parkour, first of all, was a natural method to develop all the qualities that are at the natural disposal of the human body. Increasing strength, agility, speed and power were the first steps in this search. As a practitioner of gymnastics, athletics and martial arts I already had certain basic abilities and skills that I found to be limited by the structures required by the various sports I was doing. So, I decided to create a sport in my own style, that is to say, without material constraints; a pair of jogging trousers, a T-shirt, a good pair of running shoes, and myself.
"While running, I'd fix on a point to represent an objective, and tell myself: 'I'm going to go there; I'm going to go there directly; I'm going to go there quickly; and nothing will stop me'. I must add that I was always an enthusiastic admirer and reader of Daredevil, Spider-Man and other superhuman characters from comics, animation and action movies. All excellent warriors, and all so free."
Parkour aims to be a 'complete' sport; by the mindset that it inspires in its practitioners just as much as by the many skills that it develops. It's a difficult discipline to train, because it continually tests the limits of each practitioner. It's all about knowing if one is prepared to stick with existing limits, or if one is prepared to push back those limits as far as possible...
Accessible to all who are 15 or older (due to the necessary physical development), Parkour makes it possible to develop physical fitness and coordination while developing willpower, determination, motivation, strength, endurance, agility and courage: essential qualities in life! It educates and informs young people who are eager for new experiences.
Parkour is much more than a sport. It is a way of life, the way to 'find yourself', even; to learn how to know and control one's own body. One becomes stronger, and learns how to surmount mental obstacles just as much as physical ones.
A word of warning: Certain people -- the reckless -- who assume too much about their physical abilities, and/or do not take full account of the risks are often given a nasty shock -- or even, seriously injured. In the world of Parkour, the mindset is to combine body and spirit, power and control. It's ridiculous to 'seek freedom' but end up broken in a wheelchair -- so, have prudence!
Once could also suggest that a good Traceur (Parkour practitioner) will be an excellent participant in other sports that require cool-headedness, agility, power, good self-control, the ability to be observant and so many other qualities developed in the Traceur as they practice "L'Art du Deplacement", to use a French term.
This is the reason why Parkour is the most complete sport. It recruits and demands all the physical capabilities of the human body at the same time as it requires a perpetual consideration that is, in effect, "3D" -- evaluation of distances, evaluation of capability, evaluation of risk.
Today, Parkour has developed throughout the world, with regional quirks springing up here and there. The media have gradually seized this opportunity; Traceurs have been used for music videos, advertisements and even movies!
If you would like to know more about Parkour, here are some articles that should interest you:
- David Belle: pioneer and creator.
- Raymond Belle: David's father.
- Techniques and movements of Parkour.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Google Adsense Tips, Tricks
1. Posisi Ad. - ikuti fokus dari pengunjung dan taruh ads di tengah-tengah perhatian.
Pada posisi Tengah, atas adalah tempat yang paling baik. Idenya adalah apa yang user lihat. Karena kebanyakkan content berada di tengah halaman web, ads yang berada di tengah, dekat dengan isi dan diatas content adalah lokasi yang paling banyak mendapatkan perhatian. Namun, pastikan apa yang dilakukan user pada website anda. Pastikan bahwa anda benar menempatkan pada posisi yang user lihat. Misal : jika anda memiliki artikel yang panjang, sebenarnya posisi di bawah artikel tersebut cukup sukses untuk menarik perhatian pengunjung karena pengunjung yang telah membaca artikel tersebut dan ketika pengunjung memerlukan artikel lain, pengunjung dapat melihat dan membaca, ads yang berhubungan dengan artikel diatas. Jadi intinya perhatikan bahwa apa yang dilihat pada web site anda oleh pengunjung.
2. Format Ad. - ad yang lebar lebih baik (selama pas dengan website template anda)
Tampilan yang paling berhasil adalah persegi yang paling lebar, 336x280. Jadi format yang lebih lebar mempunyai persentase keberhasilan lebih daripada yang lain. Tiga Format ads yang paling berhasil adalah 336x280; 300x250 medium rect; dan 160x600 wide skyscraper. Karena terdapat banyak jenis dengan sites yang berbeda. Jangan coba untuk memaksa sebuah format yang tidak sesuai dengan site anda.
3. Warna Ad. - sesuaikan dengan warna dari website anda
Di web ini dapat anda lihat pemilihan warna yang sesuai dengan isi dari content web ini. Alasannya pemilihan warna dangat penting adalah AdSense memberikan nilai tambah pada content kita dan tidak terpisah dari isi content kita. Cara yang lain adalah dengan mengubah-ubah warna AdSense sesuai dengan warna dari web kita.
4. Halaman Ad. - tiap halaman seharusnya memiliki ads
Tips yang penting lainnya adalah halaman mana yang ingin anda tampilkan ads melalui halaman anda. Dan yang penting posisi dari ads tersebut pada halaman anda. Sebagai contoh meletakkan ads pada halaman forum, halaman reference dan halaman artikel. Dan juga memilih format yang berbeda untuk halaman yang berbeda pula. Jadi jangan takut untuk ber-ekperimen dengan ads. Selama sesuai dengan program policy dari AdSense, Anda dapat meletakkan ads pada halaman apa saja dari website anda dan tiap domain yang anda miliki.
5. Ad tracking - gunakan channels untuk memutuskan mana yang terbaik untuk web anda
Bagaimana untuk mencari tahu apa yang sesungguhnya berhasil untuk anda? cara yang terbaik adalah dengan menggunakan channels. Channels digunakan untuk men-track/mencatat semua eksperimen yang anda lakukan. Pada dasarnya channels adalah cara terbaik untuk mengetahui mana format yang paling berhasil pada web site anda. Jadi sangat saya sarankan untuk optimalisasi, gunakan channels sehingga anda mendapatkan informasi tentang keputusan dan perubahan yang anda lakukan terhadap ads anda pada website anda.
6. Ad bergambar - gunakan ads ergabar untuk meningkatkan jenis ads untuk mendapatkan CPM paling tinggi
Ad bergambar adalah alternatif dari teks ads. Alasannya adalah pada dasarnya memiliki ads bergambar yang bersaing dengan teks ads. Jadi jika anda memiliki lebih banyak ads pada website anda, berarti anda mendapatkan kesempatan lebih untuk meningkatkan pendapatan dari AdSense.
7. Link ad - optimalisasi penggunaan space
Penggunaan link ad sangat bagus untuk di samarkan dengan link pada website anda sendiri. Kelebihan yang lain yang disukai adalah space yang digunakan. Jadi banyak pembuat website yang meletakkan pada menu bars, navigation bar dan tersamar dengan baik pada website anda. Anda dapat menggunakan 3 buah link ad pada satu halaman.
8. AdSense Search - bekerja sangat baik ketika Google Sitemap memiliki index yang lengkap dari web site anda
Memberikan layanan untuk pengunjung anda dan memberikan ekstra, sedikit tambahan uang juga. Yang terjadi adalah, bayangkan Google search yang umum, user harus membuka, pengunjung dapat mengakses hasil pencarian dari langsung dari website anda. Tidak hanya tapi search pada web site anda juga. Lalu anda mendapatkan tambahan uang ketika pengunjung meng-klik pada ads yang muncul pada hasil pencarian.
9. Jangan khawatir kalau pengunjung anda akan terganggu karena anda meng-iklan-kan website anda - ads pada forum cukup berhasil juga.
Sebagai contoh Seperti yang anda lihat, Brad(webmaster) meletakkan ads pad websitenya. Brad mendapatkan bahwa ini bekerja dengan baik untuk memberikan alternatif pada pengunjung tentang topik yang sama.
Source: Google Adsense Optimization Webinar
Monday, January 22, 2007
Die Hard
"Uhhhhhh............",keluhku. Akhir minggu ini begitu berat bagitu, betapa tidak Tugas Akhir harus selesai at least 50% sedangkan sekarang masih 25%..............dan lagi buku Tugas Akhir yg tak tersentuh sama sekali harus selesai besok Jum'at belum lagi buat makalahnya. It's a hard week. But gw harus tetep semangat "SEMANGAT!" I'm a backbone of my Family, jadi gw harus bisa..HARUS..
"Ya Allah karuniakan kemudahan padaku ya Robb"
I'm off now. Back to Final Project..again.
Thank's for your attention.
My First Post
It's my first post. So i decide to see greeting to you all Welcome to My Tought Blog. It's contains all about my life, tought, goal, love, sad and everything from me.
It's my first time create a Blog, actually i can't talk to much but i think that important for me to learn how to comunicate with others, is it right? i hope so.
How am i? i am a selfish person that makes me become a Bored Person too(that's what i think about me,hope not for the others).
I think enough for my first post from now, i hope you all enjoy.
P.S : English is not my first language so i'm sorry for my mistake.